Brachyalestes jackiae Stiassny & Melo, 2023 |
Recherche rapide |
- Brachyalestes jackiae :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023 : 601-607, fig. 4, 7A, 7BBrachyalestes jackiae, new species.
| Stiassny et al., 2023 : 598, 600, 601-607, 608, 609, fig. 4, 7A, 7BPhylogenomics and morphology of the African fish genus Brycinus with revalidation of Brachyalestes and description of a new species from the Congo basin (Teleostei: Alestidae)..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Colour pattern :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Current distribution known :
abundant in forested tributaries of the Lulua River (Lubi, Luna, Lunyenga, Mbuyi, Moyo, and Tshimayi) of the Congo basin, Democratic Republic of Congo
Dentition :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Distribution_references :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Food habits :
the species appears to be primarily insectivorous
Food habits_references :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Genetics :
Stiassny et al., 2023
Habitat / home range :
each collection locality was bordered by gallery forest/vegetation with swift-flowing, relatively shallow (1-2 m) water flowing over rocks, gravel, and sandy substrates
Habitat_references :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Morphology / anatomy :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Osteology :
Stiassny & Melo, 2023
Phylogeny :
Stiassny et al., 2023
Types :
Brachyalestes jackiae Stiassny & Melo, 2023: 601-607, fig. 4, 7A, 7B. type locality: Kasai Central, Mutefu, Tshimayi River, Lulua river, Kasai system, Congo basin, Democratic Republic of Congo (-6°11'37.5714"-22°44'23.712"). Holotype AMNH 253243; paratypes AMNH 251302, AMNH 252702, AMNH 252787, AMNH 277628, MRAC .2023.015.P.0001-0002, CUMV 10028, FMNH 150030, OS 26722.
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