Brachyalestes lateralis (Boulenger, 1900) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Common names : Mbala, Streep-rower (Afrikaans: Namibia); Mungumba (Lwena: Angola); Nchenga, Tala (Bemba: Zambia); Streep-rower (Afrikaans: South Africa); Striped robber (English: Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe); Stripped robber (English: Global); Triip-kardsalmler (Estonian: Estonia); Tsimbu (Nyanja: Malawi) .
  • Current distribution known : Kasai, upper Sankuru, upper Lualaba and Luapula systems (middle and upper Congo River basin) in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia. Zambezi system including Upper Zambezi, Kafue, Lake Kariba, Lower Zambezi, Okavango, Cunene, Buzi and Caprivi strip. Also from coastal north-east Natal to the Lake St. Lucia catchment .
  • Dentition : Booth & McKinlay, 2000 .
  • Distribution_references : Paugy, 1986 .
  • Food habits_references : Bell-Cross, 1976 | Booth & McKinlay, 2000 | Mmusi et al., 2016 | Paugy, 1986 .
  • Genetics : Arroyave & Stiassny, 2011 | Lenglin, 2022 | Stiassny et al., 2023 | van der Bank et al., 2005 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Balon, 1971 | Balon & Coche, 1974 | Paugy, 1986 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Balon, 1971 | Balon & Coche 1974 | Boulenger, 1909 a | Crass, 1960 | Fowler, 1925 | Gilchrist & Thompson, 1913 | Jubb, 1967 | Murray & Stewart, 2002 | Paugy, 1986 | Poll, 1967 b .
  • Osteology : Murray & Stewart, 2002 | Zanata & Vari, 2005 .
  • Phylogeny : Arroyave & Stiassny, 2011 | Lenglin, 2022 | Murray & Stewart, 2002 | Stiassny et al., 2023 | van der Bank et al., 2005 | Zanata & Vari, 2005 .
  • Production : Balon, 1973 | Balon & Coche, 1974 .
  • Reproduction_references : Balon & Coche, 1974 | Booth & McKinlay, 2000 | Paugy, 1986 | Santana et al., 2014 .
  • Scales : Balon, 1971 | Cockerell, 1910 b .
  • Size : 140 mm SL .
  • Types :
    • Alestes langi Fowler, 1935 a: 258-259, fig. 4. Type locality: "Thamalakane River at Maun". Holotype TM n° 15.259; paratypes TM n° 15.260-61, n° 15.263-264, n° 15.266.
    • Alestes lateralis Boulenger, 1900 g: 130, pl. XLVIII, fig. 2. Type locality: "lac Dilolo (Katanga)". Syntypes MRAC n° 384-388.
    • Alestes natalensis Boulenger, 1904 f: 155. Type locality: "Natal near Durban". Syntypes BMNH.
    • Alestes thamalakanensis Fowler, 1935 a: 257-258, fig. 3. Type locality: "Thamalakane River at Maun". Holotype TM n° 15.233; paratypes TM n° 15.227-232, n° 15.234-236, n° 15.238-242, n° 15.245-246.
  • Zoological_nomenclature / taxonomic information : Stiassny et al., 2023 .