Brachyalestes peringueyi (Boulenger, 1923) | Recherche rapide |
- Alestes peringueyi : Boulenger, 1923 : 437 (senior synonym)Descriptions of three new fresh-water fishes from Northern Rhodesia. | Bell-Cross, 1966 a : 11 (senior synonym)The distribution of fishes in Central Africa..
- Brachyalestes peringueyi : Stiassny et al., 2023 : 601Phylogenomics and morphology of the African fish genus Brycinus with revalidation of Brachyalestes and description of a new species from the Congo basin (Teleostei: Alestidae)..
- Brycinus peringueyi : Poll, 1976 b : 10 (senior synonym)Exploration du Parc National de l'Upemba. Mission G. F. de Witte: Poissons. | Paugy, 1986 : 211-214, fig. 48 (senior synonym)Rvision systmatique des Alestes et Brycinus africains (Pisces, Characidae). | Boden & Merxem, 2024 b : 29 (senior synonym)Brycinus Valenciennes, 1850..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
- Common names : Mweru kardsalmler (Estonian: Estonia) .
- Current distribution known : endemic to the Mweru-Luapula system (upper Congo River basin) in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia .
- Distribution_references : Paugy, 1986 .
- Morphology / anatomy : Paugy, 1986 .
- Size : 133 mm TL .
Types :
- Alestes peringueyi Boulenger, 1923: 437. Type locality: "Mansa River, N. Rhodesia". Holotype SAM n° 14.530.