Brachyalestes sadleri (Boulenger, 1906) |
Recherche rapide |
- Alestes sadleri :
Boulenger, 1906 b : 435 (senior synonym)Descriptions of new fishes discovered by Mr. E. Degen in Lake Victoria.
| Steindachner, 1906 a : 151 (senior synonym)Ueber Homopholis erlangeri sp. nov. aus Abessinien, Alestes adleri Blgr. aus dem Victoria-Nyansa und Varicorhinus tornieri, sp. nov., aus Deutsch-Kamerun.
| Boulenger, 1907 l : 121-122, fig. 19 (senior synonym)Zoology of Egypt. The fishes of the Nile published for the Egyptian Government. 2 vol.
| Boulenger, 1909 a : 200, fig. 150 (senior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Pellegrin, 1909 c : 166 (senior synonym)Sur la faune ichthyologique du lac Victoria.
| Cockerell, 1910 b : 5, pl. I, fig. 4 (senior synonym)The scales of the African Cyprinid Fishes, with a discussion of related Asiatic and European species.
| Pellegrin, 1910 : 284 (senior synonym)Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (1908-09). Poissons.
| Pellegrin, 1913 e : 59, 69 (senior synonym)Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale (1911-12)- Poissons du lac Victoria.
| Boulenger, 1916 a : 178 (senior synonym)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Cunnington, 1920 : 524 (senior synonym)The fauna of the African lakes : a study in comparative limnology with special reference to Tanganyika.
| Myers, 1929 : 5 (senior synonym)Cranial differences in the African characin fishes of the genera Alestes and Brycinus, with notes on the arrangement of related genera.
| Greenwood, 1956 a : 151 (senior synonym)The fishes of Uganda. II.
| Copley, 1958 : 64 (senior synonym)Common freshwater fishes of East Africa.
| Greenwood, 1958 c : 42 (senior synonym)The fishes of Uganda. Kampala.
| Greenwood, 1959 a : 41, 45-46 (senior synonym)The characin fishes of lakes Victoria and Kyoga.
| Whitehead, 1959 a : 348, 356 (senior synonym)The anadromous fishes of Lake Victoria.
| Corbet, 1961 : 49-51 (senior synonym)The food of non-cichlid fishes in the Lake Victoria Basin, with remarks on their evolution and adaptation to lacustrine conditions.
| Greenwood, 1963 a : 63 (senior synonym)A collection of fishes from the Aswa river drainage system, Uganda.
| Poll, 1967 a : 19 (senior synonym)Révision des Characidae nains africains.
| Kiss, 1977 : 265, 275-277 (senior synonym)Les poissons et la pêche dans le lac Ihema (Rwanda, bassin moyen de l'Akagera)..
- Brachyalestes sadleri :
Stiassny et al., 2023 : 601Phylogenomics and morphology of the African fish genus Brycinus with revalidation of Brachyalestes and description of a new species from the Congo basin (Teleostei: Alestidae)..
- Micralestes lerneri :
Nichols & LaMonte, 1938 : 1-2, fig. 1-2 (junior synonym)Two new fishes from Lake Victoria.
| Hoedeman, 1951 a : 6 (junior synonym)Studies on African characid fishes. 1. The tribe Alestidi.
| Greenwood, 1959 a : 45 (synonymy with A. sadleri) (junior synonym)The characin fishes of lakes Victoria and Kyoga.
| Poll, 1967 a : 19 (synonymy with A. sadleri) (junior synonym)Révision des Characidae nains africains..
- Alestes (Alestiops) sadleri :
Hoedeman, 1951 a : 3 (senior synonym)Studies on African characid fishes. 1. The tribe Alestidi..
- Micralestes (Micralestes) lerneri :
Hoedeman, 1959 : 557 (junior synonym)Aquariumvissen Encyclopedie..
- Brycinus sadleri :
Géry, 1968 d : 183, 186, 192 (senior synonym)Un essai de systématique quantitative : la classification des espèces du genre Alestes s. lat. (Pisces, Characoidei).
| Géry, 1977 : 25 (senior synonym)Characoids of the World.
| Géry & Mahnert, 1977 : 622 (senior synonym)Description d'une espèce et d'une sous-espèce nouvelles d'Afrique occidentale du genre Brycinus (Pisces, Cypriniformes, Characoidei) avec une revue de la super-espèce Brycinus longipinnis (Gthr.).
| Paugy, 1986 : 125-128, fig. 27 (senior synonym)Rvision systmatique des Alestes et Brycinus africains (Pisces, Characidae).
| Wanink & Joordens, 2001 : 58-61 (senior synonym)Is Brycinus sadleri from Lake Victoria an anadromous fish?
| Murray & Stewart, 2002 : 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1898 (senior synonym)Phylogenetic relationships of the African genera Alestes and Brycinus (Teleostei, Characiformes, Alestidae).
| Olowo et al., 2004 : 13-22 (senior synonym)The distribution and feeding ecology of the characid Brycinus sadleri in Lake Nabugabo, Uganda: implications for persistence with Nile perch (Lates niloticus).
| Zanata & Vari, 2005 : 24, 68, 75, 76, 78, 79, 87, 92, 95, 98, 104-106, 133, 136, 139, 142 (senior synonym)The family Alestidae (Ostariophysi, Characiformes): a phylogenetic analysis of a trans-Atlantic clade.
| Wanink & Joordens, 2007 : 392-396 (senior synonym)Dietary shifts in Brycinus sadleri (Pisces: Characidae) from southern Lake Victoria..
- Bryconalestes sadleri :
Boden & Derijst, 2024 : 34 (senior synonym)Bryconalestes Hoedeman, 1951..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Common names :
Ikiraba, Inshoga (Rwanda: Rwanda); Nsoga (Luyia: Kenya, Uganda); Osoga, Soga (Swahili: Kenya, Tanzania); Sadler's robber (English: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania); Sadleri kardsalmler (Estonian: Estonia), Soga (Luo: Kenya)
Current distribution known :
Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo; Victoria Nile, Malawa River and Middle Akagera. Also reported from Aswa River, Lake Rukwa basin and Malagarazi River
Distribution_references :
Paugy, 1986
Food habits_references :
Corbet, 1961
Greenwood, 1956 a
Greenwood, 1958 c
Kiss, 1977
Paugy, 1986
Wanink & Joordens, 2007
Habitat_references :
Olowo et al., 2004
Paugy, 1986
Habits_references :
Greenwood, 1956 a
Greenwood, 1958 c
Migration / movement :
Wanink & Joordens, 2001
Morphology / anatomy :
Boulenger, 19071
Boulenger, 1909 a
Greenwood, 1959 a
Kiss, 1977
Murray & Stewart, 2002
Paugy, 1986
Ontogeny :
Wanink & Joordens, 2007
Osteology :
Murray & Stewart, 2002
Zanata & Vari, 2005
Phylogeny :
Murray & Stewart, 2002
Zanata & Vari, 2005
Reproduction_references :
Greenwood, 1956 a
Greenwood, 1958 c
Wanink & Joordens, 2001
Scales :
Cockerell, 1910 b
Size :
138 mm TL
Types :
Alestes sadleri Boulenger, 1906 b: 435. Type locality: "Entebbe". Syntypes BMNH n° 1906.5.30: 105-106.
Micralestes lerneri Nichols & LaMonte, 1938: 1-2, fig. 1-2. Type locality: "Lake Victoria". Holotype AMNH n° 13.736; paratype AMNH n° 13.737.
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