Brachyalestes sadleri (Boulenger, 1906) Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Common names : Ikiraba, Inshoga (Rwanda: Rwanda); Nsoga (Luyia: Kenya, Uganda); Osoga, Soga (Swahili: Kenya, Tanzania); Sadler's robber (English: Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania); Sadleri kardsalmler (Estonian: Estonia), Soga (Luo: Kenya) .
  • Current distribution known : Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo; Victoria Nile, Malawa River and Middle Akagera. Also reported from Aswa River, Lake Rukwa basin and Malagarazi River .
  • Distribution_references : Paugy, 1986 .
  • Food habits_references : Corbet, 1961 | Greenwood, 1956 a | Greenwood, 1958 c | Kiss, 1977 | Paugy, 1986 | Wanink & Joordens, 2007 .
  • Habitat_references : Olowo et al., 2004 | Paugy, 1986 .
  • Habits_references : Greenwood, 1956 a | Greenwood, 1958 c .
  • Migration / movement : Wanink & Joordens, 2001 .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Boulenger, 19071 | Boulenger, 1909 a | Greenwood, 1959 a | Kiss, 1977 | Murray & Stewart, 2002 | Paugy, 1986 .
  • Ontogeny : Wanink & Joordens, 2007 .
  • Osteology : Murray & Stewart, 2002 | Zanata & Vari, 2005 .
  • Phylogeny : Murray & Stewart, 2002 | Zanata & Vari, 2005 .
  • Reproduction_references : Greenwood, 1956 a | Greenwood, 1958 c | Wanink & Joordens, 2001 .
  • Scales : Cockerell, 1910 b .
  • Size : 138 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Alestes sadleri Boulenger, 1906 b: 435. Type locality: "Entebbe". Syntypes BMNH n° 1906.5.30: 105-106.
    • Micralestes lerneri Nichols & LaMonte, 1938: 1-2, fig. 1-2. Type locality: "Lake Victoria". Holotype AMNH n° 13.736; paratype AMNH n° 13.737.