Bryconalestes bartoni (Nichols & LaMonte, 1953) |
Recherche rapide |
- Alestes bartoni :
Nichols & LaMonte, 1953 a : 1-2, fig. 1 (senior synonym)A new Alestes and little-known Barbus from Gaboon..
- Bryconalestes bartoni :
Stiassny et al., 2023 : 597Phylogenomics and morphology of the African fish genus Brycinus with revalidation of Brachyalestes and description of a new species from the Congo basin (Teleostei: Alestidae).
| Boden & Derijst, 2024 : 32Bryconalestes Hoedeman, 1951..
- Brycinus bartoni :
Paugy, 1986 : 22, 31, 34, 110, 111-113, 114, 119, 123, 127, 131, fig. 23
(senior synonym)Révision systématique des Alestes et Brycinus africains (Pisces, Characidae)..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Common names :
Bartoni kardsalmler (Estonian: Estonia)
Current distribution known :
found in the Ngounié River, a tributary of the Ogowe River in Gabon and in the Kouilou-Niari basin in the Republic of Congo
Distribution_references :
Paugy, 1986
Morphology / anatomy :
Paugy, 1986
Paugy, 1986
Size :
92 mm SL (male)
Types :
Alestes bartoni Nichols & LaMonte, 1953: 1-2, fig. 1. Type locality: "Mouila, Ogowe Valley, Gabon". Holotype AMNH n° 19.654.
Zoological_nomenclature / taxonomic information :
Stiassny et al., 2023
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