Aphyosemion liberiense |
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- Aphyosemion liberiense :
Myers, 1924 a : 4 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)A new Poecilid fish from the Congo, with remarks on the funduline genera.
| Rachow, 1924 : 753 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Ueber Aphyosemion calliurus (Boulenger) und Aplocheilichthys spilauchen (A. Dumeril).
| Myers, 1933 a : 183 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)The genera of Indo-Malayan and African cyprinodont fishes related to Panchax and Nothobranchius.
| Schultz, 1942 : 330 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)The freshwater fishes of Liberia.
| Daget & Iltis, 1965 : 196 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Poissons de Côte d'Ivoire (eaux douces et saumâtres).
| Radda, 1969 a : 141, 2 fig., map (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Die Aphyosemionarten Westguineas. I. Die 'liberiense'-Gruppe.
| Gyldenholm & Scheel, 1971 : 95 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Chromosome number of fishes I.
| Scheel, 1972 d : 15, fig. (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Aphyosemion liberiense and its allies.
| Scheel, 1973 a : 17 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)On the identity of Oeser's Aphyosemion. On the identity of Aphyosemion santa-isabella Scheel.
| Scheel, 1974 h : 12, map 3 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Rivuline studies, taxonomic studies of rivuline Cyprinodonts from tropical atlantic Africa (Rivulinae, Cyprinodontidae, Atheriniformes, Pisces).
| Hattingh, 1976 b : 146, fig. 15 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)The surface area of mudfish.
| Kessel, 1976 a : 70 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Aphyosemion seymouri oder Fundulosoma seymouri, auf jedenfall ein Juwel.
| Radda, 1976 b Die Cyprinodontiden-Fauna von Sierra Leone.
| Huber, 1977 b : 8 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Liste nominale annotée de Aphyosemion Myers, avec description de Raddaella et Kathetys, deux sous-genres à la biologie originale.
| Radda, 1977 b : 214 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Vorläufige Beschreibung von vier neuen Subgenera der Gattung Aphyosemion Myers.
| Huber, 1978 : 10 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Contribution à la connaissance des Cyprinodontidés de l'Afrique occidentale.
| Vasil'ev, 1980 : 15 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Chromosome numbers in fish-like vertebrates and fish.
| Scheel, 1981 b : 68 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Notes on a certain groups of Killifish 2.
| Paepke & Seegers, 1986 : 154 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Kritischer Katalog der Typen und Typoide der Fischsammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. Teil 1: Atheriniformes.
| Wildekamp et al., 1986 : 220-221 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)40. Cyprinodontidae.
| Seegers, 1988 : 35 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Bemerkungen über die Sammlung der Cyprinodontiformes (Pisces: Teleostei) des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Die Gattungen Aphyosemion Myers, 1924 und Fundulosoma Ahl, 1924. Teil 2.
| Paugy et al., 1990 a : 340 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Freshwater fishes of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Annotated checklist and distribution.
| Riehl & Baensch, 1991 : 582 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Aquarien Atlas. Band. 1
| Romand, 1992 : 608 pl. 35.IX (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)35. Cyprinodontidae.
| Wildekamp, 1993 : 209, fig. (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)A world of killies. Atlas of the oviparous cyprinodontiform fishes of the World.
| Paugy et al., 1994 : 62 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Faune ichtyologique des eaux douces d'Afrique de l'Ouest.
| Huber, 1996 : 182 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Killi-Data 1996. Updated checklist of taxonomic names, collecting localities and bibliographic references of oviparous Cyprinodont fishes (Atherinomorpha, Pisces).
| Riehl & Baensch, 1996 : 582 (senior synonym with Scriptaphyosemion liberiense)Aquarien Atlas. Band. 1.
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