Aplocheilichthys kabae |
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- Aplocheilichthys kabae :
Daget, 1962 d : 139, fig. 44, pl. 12 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Les poissons du Fouta Dialon et de la Basse Guinée.
| Daget & Iltis, 1965 : 2 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Poissons de Côte d'Ivoire (eaux douces et saumâtres).
| Clausen, 1967 : 38 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Tropical old world Cyprinodonts.
| Scheel, 1968 d : 280 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Description of a new species of Procatopodinae (Cyprinodontidae, Pisces) from Ghana, with remarks on the frontal patterns of scales and of neuromasts in west African Procatopodine species.
| Scheel, 1974 h : 7 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Rivuline studies, taxonomic studies of rivuline Cyprinodonts from tropical atlantic Africa (Rivulinae, Cyprinodontidae, Atheriniformes, Pisces).
| Berkenkamp & Etzel, 1976 : 235, fig. 10 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Aquarienfische aus der Elfenbeinküste 2. Aplocheilichthys monikae spec. nov. aus dem Westlichen Hochland.
| Berkenkamp & Etzel, 1981 b : 149, 2 fig. (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Aquarienfische aus der Elfenbeinküste. 9. Ein neuer Leuchtaugenfisch Aplocheilichthys terofali spec. nov. (Pisces, Cyprinodontidae, Procatopodinae).
| Wildekamp et al., 1986 : 173 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)40. Cyprinodontidae.
| Lévêque et al., 1989 : 121 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Inventaire taxinomique et distribution des poissons d'eau douce des bassins côtiers de Guinée et de Guinée Bissau.
| Paugy et al., 1990 a : 341 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Freshwater fishes of Sierra Leone and Liberia. Annotated checklist and distribution.
| Romand, 1992 : 621 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)35. Cyprinodontidae.
| Paugy et al., 1994 : 62 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)Faune ichtyologique des eaux douces d'Afrique de l'Ouest.
| Lazara, 2001 : 38 (senior synonym with Rhexipanchax kabae)The killifishes, an annotated checklist, synonymy, and bibliography of recent oviparous Cyprinodontiform fishes. The killifish master index..
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