Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Chromosomes : Vasil'ev, 1980 .
  • Colour pattern : Tito de Morais et al., 2016 .
  • Common names : Atherine / Bissaria / Bizhreh 'Hâdy / Bizri ady / Colonel / Hasas ramly / La'aoun (Arabic), Agun / Brfun / Gavun (Croatian), Big-scale sand smelt / Black sea silverside / Boyer's sand smelt (English), Boyeri ateriin / Suuresoomuseline ateriin (Estonian), Athérine / Athérine de Boyer / Athérine Joël / Athérine prêtre / Cabasson / Cabassoun / Coubassou / Joël / Prêtre / Siouclet (French), Kleiner Ahrenfisch / Rundkopf-Ährenfisch (German), Äcquadela / Acquadella / Anguela / Argentine / Attarina / Augurette / Aunelle / Capassun / Cchialone / Chernelett / Cheunau / Cicinejie / Cicinelle / Curanedda / Curnale / Curnale capechiatte / Curunedda / Curunedda mazzaruta / Geral / Grugnale / Grugnalett / Lattarina / Lattarino / Lattarone 'nnguarelle / Latterino / Latterino capoccione / Latterino commune / Latterino copoccione / Lavone Alicino / Lavone capochiatto / Lavone sardaro / Minoscia / Muccu / Muscioli / Muscioni bocca abentu / Muscioni connaru / Sicretu / Tistazza (Italian), Peixe-rei / Peixe-rei / Peixe-rei-do-Mediterraneo / Piarda / Verdugo (Portuguese), Pejerrey / Pejerrey mediterraneo (Spanish) .
  • Condition / length-weight relationship : Boudinar et al., 2016 .
  • Current distribution known : along coast of Mediterranean, Black, Azov and Caspian Sea basins. Atlantic coast northward to Loire estuary (France). Isolated populations along costs of southern England and the Netherlands (some might actually be the marine). Permanent freshwater resident populations in Guadalquivir and Tagus (now extirpated) drainages, Santo André lagoon (Portugal) and Lake Trichonis (Greece). Introduced in Aral Sea, Lake Trasimeno (Italy) and perhaps other lakes in Italy .
  • Distribution_references : Tito de Morais et al., 2016 .
  • Food habits : carnivorous, feeding on small crustaceans, worms, mollusks and fish larvae in lakes and estuaries, and on benthos in rivers .
  • Food habits_references : Bauchot, 1987 | Tito de Morais et al., 2016 .
  • Genetics : Moreno-Borges et al., 2019 .
  • Growth / growth performance : Boudinar et al., 2016 .
  • Habitat / home range : a very euryhaline species, where adults are frequently found in brackish waters and more sporadically in freshwater, preferring still or slow flowing waters in freshwater. They are found in lower parts of rivers, estuaries, coastal lakes and sea; pelagic in lakes. Adults occur in great schools .
  • Habitat_references : Bauchot, 1987 | Lloris & Rucabado, 1998 | Tito de Morais et al., 2016 .
  • Life span : can usually live 1 to 2 years, rarely up to 4 years .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Tito de Morais et al., 2016 .
  • Phylogeny : Moreno-Borges et al., 2019 .
  • Reproduction : some populations undergo spawning migrations into estuaries. Mature individuals are fractional spawners, larger individuals spawn for a longer period. Eggs are demersal, with long hairy appendages attaching them to the substrate consisting of filamentous algae, often at depths of 2 to 6 m. Larvae are pelagic often forming schools close to the shores. In Algeria, the reproductive season extended from February to June .
  • Reproduction_references : Bauchot, 1987 | Boudinar et al., 2016 | Tito de Morais et al., 2016 .
  • Size : 200 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Atherina boyeri Risso, 1810: 338. Type locality: "Nice". Syntypes (2) MNHN n° A- 4542 and B-860.
    • Atherina mochon Cuvier, 1829 a: 235. Type locality: "Iviça". Lectotype MNHN n° A-4355; paralectotypes (3) MNHN no A-4353.
    • Atherina mochon var. aegyptia Boulenger, 1907 l: 423, fig. 31. Type locality: "Egypt". Syntypes BMNH and MNHN n° 1907-238.