Teramulus kieneri Smith, 1965 Recherche rapide


  • DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
  • Colour pattern : Ivantsoff, 1984 .
  • Common names : Kiener's silverside / Vily (English), Athérine museau piquant (French), Pejerrey picador (Spanish) .
  • Current distribution known : apparently this species is largely distributed along the eastern coast of Madagascar, but in reality, its range is poorly known as this species is difficult to identify and regularly confused with other taxa. The locality type of this species is a swamp near Tamatave. Some specimens are found in Pangalana near Mananjary, in a river near Irondro, in lower of Nosivolo, and near the village of Ambodivoangy in Bemarivo river in SAVA region. It is endemic to Madagascar .
  • Habitat / home range : an euryhaline and freshwater species that occurs in estuaries and the lower reaches of rivers. In the eastern coast, the waters are in general clear. Some specimens were however caught in turbid water (near Irondro). The bottom substratum is usually sand with gravel, grabbles and bedrock .
  • Morphology / anatomy : Ivantsoff, 1984 .
  • Size : 55 mm TL .
  • Types :
    • Teramulus kieneri Smith, 1965 b: 619, fig. 4, pl. 101 E. Type locality: "neighbourhood of Tamatave, in brackish water", east coast of Madagascar Holotype MNHN n° 1960- 243; paratypes MNHN n° B-2358 and 1961-259.
  • Use and trade : probably sold on small scale in local markets .