Silhouettea sibayi Farquharson, 1970 |
Recherche rapide |
- Silhouettea sibayi :
Farquharson, 1970 A new freshwater gobi (Pisces, Gobiidae) from Lake Sibayi, Zululand, South Africa.
| Allanson et al., 1974 : 507The plants and animals of Lake Sibaya, Kwazulu, South Africa : a checklist.
| Bruton, 1974 : 47Two new fish records from Lake Sibaya.
| Jackson, 1975 : 194Common and scientific names of the fishes of southern Africa. Part II. Freshwater fishes.
| Kok & Blaber, 1977 : 163A new freshwater Goby (Teleostei : Gobiidae) from the Pongolo flood plain, Zululand, South Africa.
| Skelton, 1977 : 34South African Red Data Book - Fishes.
| Bowmaker et al., 1978 : 1224Freshwater fishes.
| Hoese & Winterbottom, 1979 : 5A new species of Lioteres (Pisces, Gobiidae) from Kwazulu, with a revised checklist of South African Gobies and comments on the generic relationships and endemism of Western Indian Ocean Gobiids.
| Bruton & Kok, 1980 : 234The freshwater fishes of Maputaland..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Current distribution known :
cryptic species, as far known confined in Lake Sibaya (South Africa, Maputaland)
Habitat / home range :
on sandy bottoms
Size :
40 mm TL
Types :
Silhouettea sibayi Farquharson, 1970: 85, fig. Type locality: "Sibaya Lake", Zululand. No information on type specimen.
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