Gnathonemus senegalensis |
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- Gnathonemus senegalensis :
Boulenger, 1898 f : 806 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)A revision of the genera and species of fishes of the family Mormyridae.
| Boulenger, 1898 g : 11 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Matériaux pour la faune du Congo. Poissons nouveaux du Congo. Deuxième Partie. Elopes, Characins, Cyprins.
| Boulenger, 1898 k Matériaux pour la faune du Congo. Poissons nouveaux du Congo.
| Boulenger, 1900 d : 512 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)List of the fishes collected by Mr. J. S. Budgett in the river Gambia.
| Pellegrin, 1904 d : 311 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons du Chari et du lac Tchad, récoltés par la mission Chevalier- Decorse.
| Pellegrin, 1904 f : 442 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Mormyridés nouveaux de la collection du Muséum.
| Boulenger, 1905 c : 38 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)A list of freshwater fishes of Africa.
| Pellegrin, 1905 a : 144 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Catalogue des Mormyridés des collections du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle de Paris.
| Pappenheim, 1907 b : 355 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Zur Systematik und Variationsstatistik der Mormyriden, hauptsächlich aus den deutsch-afrikanischen Schutzgebieten.
| Boulenger, 1909 a : 108, fig. 88 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Pellegrin, 1909 b : 1344 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Sur la faune ichthyologique du lac Tchad.
| Pellegrin, 1909 g : 241 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons de la Komandougou et du lac Tchad récoltés par la mission Tilho-Gaillard.
| Pellegrin, 1914 j : 53, 181, pl. 2, fig. 4 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Les poissons du bassin du Tchad.
| Boulenger, 1916 a : 165 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Steindachner, 1916 : 62 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Bericht über die ichthyologischen Aufsammlungen der Brüder Adolf und Albin Horn während einer im Sommer 1913 ausgeführten Reise nach Deutsch-Ostafrika.
| Pellegrin, 1919 g : 204 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons du Gribingui recueillis par M. Baudon. Description de sept espèces nouvelles.
| Pellegrin, 1922 i : 635 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Les poissons des eaux douces de l'Afrique occidentale.
| Pellegrin, 1924 h : 458 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons du Niger recueillis par M. Jean Thomas. Description de deux espèces nouvelles.
| Pellegrin, 1926 j : 55 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichthyologique du Niger et de la Guinée francçaise, d'après les envois de M. Jean Thomas.
| Holly, 1930 a : 223 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Synopsis der Süsswasserfische Kameruns.
| Pellegrin, 1933 c : 103 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et P. A. Chappuis en Afrique occidentale française (déc. 1930-mars 1931). IV : Poissons.
| Pfaff, 1933 : 277 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Report on the fishes collected by Mr. Harry Madsen during Professor O. Olufsen's Expedition to French Sudan in the years 1927-1928.
| Norman, 1935 a : 217 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)A collection of fishes from the Ashanti forest, Gold Coast.
| Dunglas, 1937 : 347 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)La pêche dans le Bas-Ouémé.
| Pellegrin, 1938 b : 370 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons de l'Afrique Equatoriale française de Jean Thomas.
| Trewavas & Irvine, 1947 : 227, fig. 141 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Freshwater fishes of the Gold Coast.
| Daget, 1950 c : 58 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons d'eau douce de la région côtière du Togo et du Dahomey.
| Daget, 1951 b : 1142 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons d'eau douce nouvellement entrés dans les collections de l'I.F.A.N.
| Daget, 1956 b : 167 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. VII. Poissons.
| Daget, 1957 c : 121 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Les poissons. In Les eaux et les poissons de Haute Volta.
| Daget, 1959 a : 668 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Les poissons du Niger supérieur (1ère note complémentaire).
| Daget, 1960 e : 320, 328 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons de la Volta Noire et de la Haute Comoé (Mission d'Aubenton- Arnoult. oct.-déc. 1959).
| Daget, 1961 d : 102 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Faune relicte sur le revers oriental du plateau de Bandiagara (Afrique Occidentale).
| Daget, 1961 e : 327 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Le parc national du Niokolo-Koba. Fasc. 2 (35) : Poissons.
| Daget, 1961 g : 70 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Report on the Kainji dam project (Fisheries). Hydrobiology and inland fisheries. Fourth symposium. River basins subject to heavy seasonal floods.
| Daget, 1961 h : 507 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Contribution à la connaissance de la faune du fleuve Sénégal. Poissons du Baoulé et du Bakoy.
| Daget & Stauch, 1963 a : 87 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons de la partie camerounaise du bassin de la Bénoué.
| Szabo, 1965 : fig. 11-12 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Sense organs of the lateral line system in some electric fish of the Gymnotidae, Mormyridae and Gymnarchidae.
| Petr, 1967 a : 200 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Fish population changes in the Volta Lake in Ghana, during its first sixteen months.
| Roberts, 1967 a : 11 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)A provisional check-list of the fresh-water fishes of the Volta Basin, with notes on species of possible economic importance.
| Petr, 1968 a : 435 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Distribution, abundance and food of commercial fish in the Black Volta and the Volta man-made lake in Ghana, during its first period of filling (1964-1966). I. Mormyridae.
| Daget, 1969 b : 1115 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Poissons d'eau douce du Sénégal récoltés par MM. A. Villiers et C. Reizer.
| Lelek, 1973 : 390 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Sequence of changes in fish populations of the new tropical man-made lake Kainji, Nigeria, West Africa.
| Lewis, 1974 b : 289 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)The effects of the formation of Lake Kainji (Nigeria) upon the indigenous fish population.
| Fowler, 1975 : 8 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)A catalog of World fishes (22).
| Blake, 1977 b : 37 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)The effect of the impoundment of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, on the indigenous species of mormyrid fishes.
| Reid & Sydenham, 1979 : 46 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)A checklist of lower Benue river fishes and an ichthyogeographical review of the Benue River (West Africa).
| Gosse, 1984 d : 88-89 (synonym of Marcusenius senegalensis senegalensis and Marcusenius senegalensis gracilis) (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)16. Mormyridae.
| Teugels et al., 1988 : 226 (synonym of Marcusenius senegalensis) (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)État des connaissances sur la faune ichtyologique des bassins côtiers de Côte d'Ivoire et de l'ouest du Ghana.
| Lévêque et al., 1989 : 114 (synonym of Marcusenius senegalensis) (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Inventaire taxinomique et distribution des poissons d'eau douce des bassins côtiers de Guinée et de Guinée Bissau.
| Lévêque et al., 1991 : 138 (synonym of Marcusenius senegalensis) (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Annotated check-list of the freshwater fishes of the Nilo-sudan river basins, in Africa.
| Alagoa et al., 2018 : 219 (senior synonym with Marcusenius senegalensis)Landing fish catch assessment of artisanal fishing in the polluted river nun, Amassoma Axises, Bayelsa state..
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