Raiamas moorii (Boulenger, 1900) |
Recherche rapide |
- Raiamas moorii :
Howes, 1980 b : 193The anatomy, phylogeny and classification of bariliine cyprinid fishes.
| Seegers, 1996 : 160 (synonym of Raiamas moorei)The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage.
| Snoeks et al., 1997 : 580, 581, 582The ichthyogeography of Lake Kivu.
| Taverne & De Vos, 1997 : 287, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300Ostéologie et morphologie d'un bariliiné nouveau du Bassin de la Malagarasi (systéme du Lac Tanganyika): Opsaridium splendens sp. n. (Teleostei, Cyprinidae).
| Kullander & Roberts, 2011 : 363, 368Out of Lake Tanganyika: endemic lake fishes inhabit rapids of the Lukuga River.
| Snoeks et al., 2012 : 129, 130, fig. 8.1bChapter 8. Fishes in Lake Kivu: Diversity and Fisheries.
| Katemo Manda et al., 2018 : 346, 350, 352, 356, 359, 360, 361Hidden species diversity in Raiamas salmolucius (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from the Congo basin: two new species based on morphometric evidence..
- Barilius moorei :
Boulenger, 1901 p : 146, pl. 14, fig. 2 (missprint)Third contribution to the ichthyology of lake Tanganika. Report on the collection of fishes made by Mr. J. E. S. Moore in lakes Tanganika and Kivu during his second expedition, 1899-1900.
| Boulenger, 1901 q : 234 (missprint)Les poissons du bassin du Congo.
| Moore, 1903 : 159 (missprint)The Tanganyika Problem. An account of the researches undertaken concerning the existence of marine animals in Central Afrika.
| Boulenger, 1905 c : 46 (missprint)A list of freshwater fishes of Africa.
| Boulenger, 1906 k : 549 (missprint)Fourth contribution to the ichthyology of lake Tanganika. Report on the collection of fishes made by Dr. W. A. Cunnington during the third Tanganika expedition 1904-1905.
| Boulenger, 1911 a : 206, fig. 181 (missprint)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Boulenger, 1916 a : 280 (missprint)Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History).
| Boulenger, 1920 b : 39 (missprint)Poissons de la mission Stappers 1911-1913 pour l'exploration hydrographique et biologique des lacs Tanganika et Moéro.
| Pellegrin, 1933 b : 172 (missprint)Poissons de la région de Kivu adressés par M. Guy Babault.
| Pellegrin, 1935 i : 383 (missprint)Poissons de la région du Kivu récoltés par M. Guy Babault.
| David, 1936 a : 151 (missprint)Contribution à l'étude de la faune ichthyologique du Lac Tanganika.
| Worthington & Ricardo, 1936 b : 1084, fig. 3 B (missprint)The fish of Lake Tanganyika (other than Cichlidae).
| David & Poll, 1937 : 265 (missprint)Contribution à la faune ichthyologique du Congo belge : collections du Dr. H. Schouteden (1924-1926) et d'autres récolteurs.
| Poll, 1939 c : 71 (missprint)Poissons. In Exploration du Parc National Albert. Mission G. F. de Witte (1933-35).
| Poll & Damas, 1939 : 60, fig. 33 (missprint)Poissons.
| Ricardo, 1939 a : 641 (missprint)The fishes of Lake Rukwa.
| Poll, 1946 : 204, fig. 17 (missprint)Révision de la faune ichthyologique du lac Tanganika.
| Hulot, 1950 b : 165 (missprint)Le régime alimentaire des poissons du Centre africain. Intérêt éventuel de ces poissons en vue d'une zootechnie économique au Congo belge.
| Poll, 1952 b : 222 (missprint)Poissons de rivières de la région des lacs Tanganika et Kivu recueillis par G. Marlier.
| Poll, 1952 g : 142 (missprint)Résultats scientifiques de l'Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-47). Introduction : les vertébrés.
| Poll, 1953 a : 105 (missprint)Poissons non Cichlidae. Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-1947).
| Marlier, 1954 b : 260 (missprint)Recherches hydrobiologiques dans les rivières du Congo Oriental. II. Etude écologique.
| Copley, 1958 : 86 (missprint)Common freshwater fishes of East Africa.
| Matthes, 1960 b : 109 (missprint)Note sur la reproduction des poissons au lac Tanganika.
| Matthes, 1963 : 26, pl. 11, fig. b-c (missprint)A comparative study of the feeding mechanisms of some African Cyprinidae (Pisces, Cypriniformes).
| Kawabata, 1975 : 23 (missprint)Fish community near Mukuyu, the East Coast of Lake Tanganyika.
| Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 334 (synonym of Raiamas moorei) (missprint)29. Cyprinidae.
| Robben & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1984 : 153-162 (as Barilius moori) (missprint)A preliminary study of the age and growth of the cyprinid fish Barilius moori Blgr. from Lake Kivu.
| Nshombo et al., 1985 : 67, 68 (missprint)Scale-eating in Perissodus microlepis (Cichlidae) and change of its food habits with growth.
| Eccles, 1992 : 38, 121 (synonym of Raiamas moorei) (missprint)FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania.
| Seegers, 1996 : 160 (synonym of Raiamas moorei) (missprint)The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage..
- Raiamas moorei :
Lévêque & Daget, 1984 : 334 (synonym of Raiamas moorei) (missprint)29. Cyprinidae.
| Eccles, 1992 : 38, 121, fig. (missprint)FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Field guide to the commercial marine and brackish-water species of Tanzania.
| Seegers, 1996 : 160-163, fig. 114-116 (missprint)The fishes of the Lake Rukwa drainage.
| De Vos et al., 2001 a : 62, fig. 6e (missprint)An annotated checklist of the fishes of Rwanda (east central Africa), with historical data on introductions of commercially important species..
- DISTRIBUTION: Lien Faunafri
Biology :
Kawabata, 1975
Poll, 1953 a
Poll & Damas, 1939
Colour pattern :
Seegers, 1996
Common names :
Lake Rukwa minnow / Moore's minnow (English), Moore'i röövpardkala (Estonian), Kultakitabarbi (Finnish), Umukenya [Rwanda (Kinyarwanda): Rwanda], Kilungala / Kirangara / Mbelele / Mudjibe / Sipa (Swahili: Democratic Republic of the Congo / Tanzania)
Current distribution known :
endemic to Lake Tanganyika and the Lake Kivu systems linked by the Rusizi. It is found in the streams and rivers flowing into these lakes, including the Malagarasi. Also found in Lake Rukwa
Distribution_references :
Eccles, 1992
Seegers, 1996
Ecology :
Kawabata, 1975
Poll, 1953 a
Poll & Damas, 1939
Food habits :
it feeds on small fish, or insects and on small invertebrates
Food habits_references :
Seegers, 1996
Growth / growth performance :
Robben & Thys van de Audenaerde, 1984
Habitat / home range :
found in sandy bays of lakes and rivers
Habitat_references :
Eccles, 1992
Seegers, 1996
Migration / movement :
Seegers, 1996
Morphology / anatomy :
Seegers, 1996
Taverne & De Vos, 1997
Osteology :
Taverne & De Vos, 1997
Reproduction :
spawning takes place over o longer period during the rainy season
Reproduction_references :
Seegers, 1996
Size :
190 mm SL, 220 mm TL
Types :
Barilius moorei Boulenger, 1900 b: 480 (orthographied moorii by some authors). Type locality: "north end of Lake Tanganyika". Syntypes (4) BMNH n° 1906.6.69: 22 to 25.
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