Lates albertianus |
Recherche rapide |
- Lates albertianus :
Hately & Copley, 1933 Angling in East Africa, with some account of East African fish.
| Pellegrin, 1935 g Pisces. Mission scientifique de l'Omo.
| Pellegrin, 1935 j La faune ichthyologique du lac Rodolphe.
| Parenzan, 1936 b Appunti di Ittiologia Africana (con note sul lago Tana).
| Duren, 1943 La pêche en eau douce au Congo belge. 3. Les poissons d'eau douce les plus connus du Congo belge.
| Poll, 1950 c Les poissons géants du Congo.
| Copley, 1952 a The game fishes of Africa.
| Greenwood, 1957 c The fishes of Uganda. IV.
| Greenwood, 1958 c The fishes of Uganda. Kampala.
| Holden, 1967 b The systematics of the genus Lates (Teleostei : Centropomidae) in Lake Albert, East Africa..
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