Otolithes argenteus | Recherche rapide |
- Otolithes argenteus : Herre, 1934 Notes on fishes in the Zoological Museum of Stanford University. I. The fishes of the Herre Philippine Expedition of 1931. | Weber & Beaufort (de), 1936 The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. | Kiener, 1966 a Contribution à l'étude écologique et biologique des eaux saumâtres malgaches. Les poissons euryhalins et leur rôle dans le développement des pêches. | Mohan, 1972 A synopsis of the Indian genera of the family Sciaenidae | Trewavas, 1977 b The sciaenid fishes (Croakers or Drums) of the Indo-West-Pacific. | Whitfield, 1980 A checklist of fish species recorded from Maputoland estuarine systems..